I'm a journalist turned product guy, currently working as a Product Owner for Zeilenwerk. I drive the development of great software products. As a freelance consultant, I help people and organisations navigate digital transformation.
I genuinely believe in the power of collaboration and empathy to create excellent products and services, achieve meaningful change, and become a better leader. I value feedback and reflection as keys for lifelong learning.
If you want to know how to work with me, check out this user manual.
Here are some things I've done:
I've worked for startups, small and medium companies, and large corporations.
I've created new products and implemented new tools.
I've build and led new teams.
I've challenged structures and processes.
I've trained young talents.
I've started an online magazine.
I've written stories and curated content.
I studied digital management at Hyper Island and journalism at ZHAW.
Workplaces: Zeilenwerk, Weekly5, Blick, Schaffhauser Nachrichten, Scope, Zürcher Regionalzeitungen, Negative White, KulturMedien, Schweizer Radio & Fernsehen, Gemeinde Bubikon
Contributions & Collaborations: Brandstein, Nicola Troehler, Republik, Hauptstadt, MAZ, Ringier Journalistenschule, Zürcher Presseverein, Junge Journalistinnen & Journalisten Schweiz, Journalismus Jetzt, Communication Summit, Medienwoche, Persoenlich, Berner Fachhochschule, Swiss Media Forum, ZHdK